Incentives Finder
There are a variety of incentives for weatherization, heat pumps, electric vehicles, and other clean energy upgrades. While some incentives are available to everyone, availability of some incentives is based on geographic location and income level. Most home contractors and auto dealers can help you identify the rebates and other incentives that will work for you. Get a sneak preview of what incentives are available by taking our quiz below!
Take the quiz to see which incentive programs you may be eligible for!
After you submit the form, you’ll receive an email with details about the incentives you may qualify for.
Ready to start saving?
Answer a few simple questions about your home to get started. https://cleanheat.ny.gov/find-available-rebates/
How much money can you get with the Inflation Reduction Act?
Your savings calculator: https://www.rewiringamerica.org/app/ira-calculator
Calculate your estimated monthly savings potential
from switching to an EV: https://rge.chooseev.com/savings_phev/
EV Charging Station Locator
Find the right Heat Pump Water Heater for you