Going Carbon Neutral
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Ready to Get Started? • Schedule a free consult with an energy advisor!
“We’re Net Zero!”
Katie and her family settled into Rochester from California eight years ago. With two young girls, they were distressed after reading the 2018 report from the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC). The report warned that, without significant reductions in emissions, the world could face more severe floods, droughts, fires, and other climate disasters by 2040. Their children would be in their early 20s, just beginning adulthood, and Katie and her husband wondered what kind of life that would be for them.
They decided that they needed to do everything they could to convert their house and have less impact on the environment. While they knew they couldn’t solve global climate challenges alone, they believed they could make a substantial difference through their daily actions and lead by example for their daughters.
Photos by Lauren Petracca and Greg Hollar
Project Overview
Removal / replacement of all gas appliances
Geothermal system
Solar installation
Financial Incentives
Anticipating $285 in total energy costs for then next year, a significant reduction
No gas payment
State and federal incentives–Geothermal installation cost reduced by nearly half of original quote
Project team
AMPED Energy Advisor
ACES (contractor for Geothermal)
GreenSpark (contractor for solar)
Impact on climate, return on investment / energy cost reduction, insulation from fluctuating energy prices, health considerations (emissions from gas appliances)
They heard through AMPED about available incentives for geothermal installation, which significantly reduces heating and cooling emissions. With geothermal, they could cut energy usage to a quarter of typical levels in the winter and one-sixth in the summer.. They also were able to remove their gas appliances and install an induction cooktop with health benefits for the family. “Once we got rid of our last gas appliance, we were able to cut off the gas supply to the house,” Katie recalled. “I still remember the date, November 13th. It was a really great day. I felt like we’ve done something right by our children.”
Once solar panels were installed, Katie and her family achieved their goal of a net-zero home. The investment quickly began to pay off, with significant energy cost savings. They anticipate spending just $285 on energy next year—approximately $24 per month! They’ve also realized benefits to their sense of well-being. “I have less guilt,” Katie shared. “I mean, I spent decades contributing to the problem. We’re doing what we can, and so it really helps me sleep at night.”
Contrary to popular belief, not only did the geothermal installation leave no trace on their yard, they were able to work with Healthy Yards Monroe County to repurpose that space as a pollinator garden to support native ecosystems. They now have a fully functional system with which they’re very happy.
Bottom Line
While making the switch to alternative energy sources like geothermal and solar can be an investment, there are long-term benefits to spare in the way of health, cost savings, and peace of mind. For Katie and her family, the choice was clear to make way for a brighter future, and they speak highly of their experience with AMPED.