What’s The Buzz: An AMPED Blog

Hospitals to Hotels: The Versatility of Electric HVAC (4/4)
Today’s consumers want the satisfaction of a night or two away without having to stomach the guilt of wasteful, unsustainable hospitality practices. Electric HVAC is a major way hotels can pollute less, and take positive action to safeguard our region’s air and water.
Hospitals to Hotels: The Versatility of Electric HVAC (3/4)
If you’ve ever heard of Lean, Six Sigma, or Kaizen, you know that efficiency is a manufacturing imperative, and businesses want to find ways to stand out from the crowd in order to stay ahead of the competition. Balancing these priorities is a delicate dance, but strategically adopting electric HVAC is one way to check all the boxes.

Hospitals to Hotels: The Versatility of Electric HVAC (2/4)
For cultural institutions, museums, and art galleries, maintaining specific temperatures and humidity levels is more than a nice-to-have; electric HVAC can be an ideal solution.

Hospitals to Hotels: The Versatility of Electric HVAC (1/4)
Hospitals have the daunting task of providing top-quality patient care in an increasingly challenging healthcare landscape, without losing sight of the bottom line. Electric HVAC options like air-source or geothermal heat pumps thrive at that intersection.